Contact Us

If you are reporting a problem with an Androidâ„¢ application, please try to provide as much information as possible. The more information you can provide, the greater the chance that we can assist you. We also recommend that you update the application to the latest available version before reporting a problem, as the problem may already have been fixed. The latest version of all applications have an "About this app" option in the Settings. From there, you can copy or transcribe the text that provides the most important information about the application, operating system, and device.

  • The name of the application;
  • The version of the application;
  • The version of the Android Operating System used by your device;
  • The make and model of the phone or tablet you are using;
  • A description of the problem you are experiencing, under what circumstances it occurs, and the text of any error messages that are reported;
  • If possible, system log information relevant to the problem.